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4 Reasons To Train Your Employees

1. Product quality/service excellence. As obvious as this might seem, employees will be better at their job after completing training.  And of course, you want to provide an excellent service and deliver a quality product.

A brand new doctor can be pretty skilled as far as performing a regular exam goes, but what if, he simply walks in and performs the exam without saying a word. Sounds familiar right? After proper communication training, your customer satisfaction will go up. Clients are more likely to return to a doctor who is friendly and can explain in simple words what is wrong with their pet than to a non-communicative or technical medical terms only speaking doctor.
2. Reduce employee turnover/employee retention. Studies have shown that mistakes, stress, and frustration drive employee morale and motivation down.
Nobody wants to spend their day at work struggling with tasks that others seem to do just fine. Investing time and money into training shows employees that you care about their career, skills, and personal development.
3. Freeing up your time. After proper training, there is eventually no need to “keep an eye” on the employee or stand behind their back, when they perform tasks. The need for supervision is reduced and eventually completely gone. How nice it is to let go and not worry about their job to get done right. Double-scheduling, ordering a three month supply of dog food, and over or under billings all point to improper or lack of adequate training.
4. Increase productivity. Many hours get wasted with employees trying to figure out the process, the culture, or the steps needed to get the job done or to achieve the desired goal. And some of them don’t even know what the expectations or goals are! Training will help increase efficiency, quality, and overall productivity in your hospital or clinic.
So, next time when that brand new hire walks in, make sure you train them. Don’t focus on short term goals, but rather look at the bigger picture. No more excuses like ‘I don’t have time’, ‘what if we trained them, and they just leave’ or the famous one ‘they will get it eventually; they learn on the job’. That is correct, they will. But be aware, it will be a lengthy process and there will be a greater number of costly mistakes. What kind of mistakes? How much will they cost you? How many extra hours will you spend fixing or recovering the cost of those mistakes? How many sleepless nights will it cause you? Why not just invest up front and save all the trouble?

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